
The ACC is a trade industry that offers a great deal of information about the plastics industry. Visit the Plastics Division on its Web site to learn more about this field.
700 Second St., NE
Washington, D.C. 20002-8100
Tel: (202) 249-7000
Fax: (202) 249-6100
For a career brochure and information about education and certification, contact the Plastics Industry Association.
1425 K Street, NW, Suite 500
Washington, D.C. 20005-3686
Tel: (202) 974-5200
For information about education and training in plastics engineering, contact the University of Massachusetts Lowell.
Ball Hall 204
185 Riverside St.
Lowell, MA 01854
Tel: (978) 934-3420
Fax: (978) 934-3089