The Convenience Distribution Association provides education, networking events, publications, advocacy, and other resources for professionals in convenience products distribution.
11250 Roger Bacon Drive #8
Reston, VA 20190
Tel: (800) 482-2962
Tel: (703) 208-3358
Fax: (703) 573-5738
Email: info@cdaweb.net
The Manufacturers' Agents National Association offers events, publications, and other resources for manufacturers and their agents.
6321 West Dempster Street, Suite 110
Morton Grove, IL 60053-2848
Tel: (877) 626-2776
Tel: (949) 859-4040
Fax: (949) 855-2973
Email: MANA@MANAonline.org
The Manufacturers' Representatives Educational Research Foundation offers certification and training programs, among other resources, for manufacturers' representatives and related workers.
1301 Arapahoe St. Ste. 105
Golden, CO 80401
Tel: (303) 463-1801
Fax: (303) 379-6024
Email: Certify@MRERF.org
The National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors is a federation of wholesale distributors.
1325 G Street, NW, Suite 1000
Washington, D.C. 20005-3100
Tel: (202) 872-0885
Fax: (202) 785-0586
Email: naw@naw.org