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Exelaration Internship Program

2000 Kraft Drive
Suite 2000
Blacksburg, VA, 24060




As the #2 tech internship in the U.S., Exelaration brings expert engineers with decades of experience across a variety of tech stacks together with development teams of engineers from top universities to complete real-world client projects. Past interns say their time at Exelaration provided “fantastic real-world software development and consulting experience" working with “good people with a focus on mentoring.” Says one: “I gained more real-world experience and kno...

Internship Program Stats


How To Apply

Click here to apply




Number Of Interns










3.00 - 3.49




About the Program

The future of technology depends on an abundant flow of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) students with the skills and experience to solve big challenges. Exelaration addresses the STEM skills shortage by connecting young people of varied backgrounds with the technology workforce through their award-winning internship.

Internship Program
The Exelaration Centers, located at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA, and NC State University in Raleigh, ...

Intern Reviews

  • “I worked on enhancements and bug tickets for a client’s website. I performed technical analysis, worked on improving and updating our codebase, and communicated queries between the client and our team.”
  • “I worked on an Agile team as a full-stack developer on a web application for our client. We developed a front-end single-page application using React, a back-end REST API in C#, connected to a PostgreSQL Server database, all running in Docker containers. In addition to working on all layers of the architecture, I contributed to other aspects of the project, including client communications, testing, documentation, and developing solutions as the scope of the project evolved. We used GitHub, Jira, and Slack to facilitate communication and collaboration in our remote team.”
  • “At the start of each day, I joined a stand-up meeting to discuss what I had worked on previously, the progress I made, and what I would work on next. Then, I stayed in an ongoing call with fellow interns to work collaboratively on the tasks we’d been assigned. If we were confused on the logistics of the assignment or unable to make significant progress despite strong efforts, I was always easily able to set up a meeting with the project mentor to figure things out. The continuous meetings, collaboration, attempt to struggle but learn, and comfort in reaching out for guidance comprised the traditional workday that I experienced during my time as an intern.”
  • “I would arrive at the office, log on to my computer, and then have a daily stand up with my team. During the stand up, we would update each other on what each person was working on and if anyone needed help. From there, I would start working on development work and, depending on the day, perhaps go into an Agile ceremony.”

Why Intern Here

We Are Exelaration

The future of technology depends on an abundant flow of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) students with the skills and experience to solve big challenges. Yet more than 700,000 tech roles currently sit vacant in the U.S. due to a dramatic gap in the tech talent pipeline.

Top organizations engage Exelaration to design and build custom software to improve their business. Anchored by experts with decades of experience across a variety of tech stacks, we mobilize development teams of engineers from top university programs to complete real client projects.

We’ve delivered solutions for startups, Fortune 500 companies, federal agencies, non-profits, and associations. Exelaration clients unanimously cite our performance, communication, and capabilities as the reason they engage and re-engage us as their preferred technology partner, Agile advisor, and even fractional CTO.



Getting Hired Here

  • “Interview process was great! There was a very fun and relaxed group interview and then a technical interview. Throughout, we were made to feel comfortable, and it was a low-pressure environment that allowed us to showcase our skills in the most effective manner. Very glad I got to do it in person.”
  • “The process included an application, a group interview with stimulating challenges, and an individual coding interview. The basis of their selection was: Is the applicant willing to learn? Are they inquisitive? And how quickly do they apply what they learn?”
  • “Unique and exciting interview process, which is what blew me away initially. The interview was pretty selective. There were two parts: a group interview and a technical interview. I believe that they appropriately judged my skills and character with both.”
  • “Apply early! They take freshmen and you can work with them for multiple years. I wish I would have applied earlier than senior year because I wanted to work there longer!”
  • "Interview process was great! There was a very fun and relaxed group interview and then a technical interview. Throughout we were made to feel comfortable and it was a low pressure environment that allowed us to showcase our skills in the most effective manner. Very glad I got to do it in person."
  • "The interview was balanced, selecting applicants with a combination of communication skills, teamwork skills, and problem-solving skills. Little to no technical experience was required."
  • "Unique and exciting interview process. This is what blew me away initially. the interview was pretty selective. There were two parts: a group interview and a technical interview, and I believe that they appropriately judged my skills + character with both."
  • "This was the best interview process I had ben through. Their focus seemed to be on cultural fit and willingness to learn, opposed to solely skill coming in. With internships, I think it is important to understand potential, not expect hours of studying to get candidates in."