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Signify Internship Program logo

Signify Internship Program

4055 Valley View Ln
Suite 700
Dallas, TX, 75244, United States


Vault logo on a grey background.


Signify is one of the world’s leading companies in lighting. Signify is a Dutch company that makes lighting fixtures, electric lights, and related products. Its innovations contribute to a safer, smarter, more sustainable world.

Internship Program Stats


Featured Rankings

Best Consumer & Industrial Products Internships


International Students Eligible




Dallas, TX

About the Program

Signify offers an internship program to students from a variety of areas of study, allowing them to get experience while working on real company projects and to expand their professional networks.

About the Company

Signify is one of the world’s leading companies in lighting. It provides energy-efficient lighting products, systems, and services to professional and residential consumers, making people's lives safer and more comfortable, businesses more productive, and cities more livable. Signify constantly aims to breaking new ground in data analytics, AI, smart homes, offices, cities, and more.

Signify is a Dutch company that was founded in 2016 as the result of a spinoff from Phillips. It origi...

Intern Reviews

  • “My coworkers have been fantastic to work with and have been understanding when I need to take time off, and the hours are fairly flexible as long as I complete what needs to be done. Very friendly, welcoming yet very corporate, flexible with hours most people worked 6–8-hour days 5 days a week.”
  • “Very friendly, welcoming yet very corporate, flexible with hours. Most people worked 6–8-hour days five days a week.”&l...
  • “My coworkers have been fantastic to work with and have been understanding when I need to take time off, and the hours are fairly flexible as long as I complete what needs to be done. Very friendly, welcoming yet very corporate, flexible with hours most people worked 6–8-hour days 5 days a week.”
  • “Very friendly, welcoming yet very corporate, flexible with hours. Most people worked 6–8-hour days five days a week.”
  • “I worked full time, but if I needed to work from 8 am-4 pm instead, that was fine, so flexibility was good. Everyone was always willing to help each other out and friendly, but relationships did not seem to extend beyond that; company or team outings were not common.”

Getting Hired Here

  • “I really enjoyed the interview process and felt it was very straightforward.”
  • “I applied on LinkedIn, and my process was smooth and easy.”
  • “Three rounds: first with talent acquisition, second with team members, and third with my manager.”
  • “I really enjoyed the interview process and felt it was very straightforward.”
  • “I applied on LinkedIn, and my process was smooth and easy.”
  • “Three rounds: first with talent acquisition, second with team members, and third with my manager.”