Acquisitions Librarians

Acquisitions librarians build and maintain library collections, which include print items, such as books and periodicals, digital items, such as CD-ROMs and DVDs, electronic resources, such as e-books and databases, as well as music, art, and other resources available to library patrons. Acquisitions librarians are also called collection development librarians and collection development specialists. Acquisitions librarians are employed by all types of libraries, though the majority work in academic libraries.
Quick Facts
Median Salary
Employment Prospects
Minimum Education Level
Personality Traits
The Bureau of Labor Statics reported that the median annual wage for all librarians and library media specialists was $64,370 in May 2023. According to, the median base salary for an acquisitions librarian is $47K per year as of 2024. The lowest paid 25 percent earned $34k, and the highest paid 75 percent earned more than $53k. Most acquisitions librarians receive paid vacation tim...
Work Environment
Acquisitions librarians work in an intellectually engaging and fast-paced environment. The work can be challenging at times, as they must satisfy a variety of requests from patrons—from a student seeking an obscure book on medieval cooking to educators requesting a new series of historical biographies. Acquisitions librarians must be able to maintain their concentration and focus as they move f...
The growth rate for librarian jobs is predicted to be average compared to all other occupations by the U.S. Department of Labor until 2028. Libraries now provide vast resources such as books, periodicals, electronic materials, music, DVDs, reference databases, and streaming services. Acquisition librarians will be required to evaluate and obtain these materials. The libraries with extensive col...