Agile Coaches or Trainers


Employment Prospects


Agile coaches are employed by software development companies that use Agile frameworks and consulting firms that provide Agile-focused consulting and coaching services. They also work for non-software businesses that utilize Agile frameworks in their product development processes.

Starting Out

Many people break into the field after first working as a software development project manager, Scrum master, or in another career that involves project management. Those who perform well in these jobs and who have extensive experience with Agile frameworks can apply for Agile coaching jobs.

Current Agile coaches can learn about job openings by attending career fairs, participating in online and in-person networking, checking out association job pages, and by visiting the career Web sites of companies that employ Agile coaches.

Advancement Prospects

A self-employed Agile coach can advance by being hired by more prestigious clients and receiving higher pay. A full-time coach can advance by receiving pay raises, a promotion to a managerial or executive-level position, or by leaving his or her employer to start their own coaching firms. Some coaches choose to become college professors.

Tips for Entry

Read the Read the Agile Practice Guide ( to learn more about the field.

As a student, participate in activities that develop your leadership, project management, mentorship, and teaching skills.  

Get certified. It will give you an edge over other applicants.

Visit and for job listings.