Civil Litigation Lawyers


Employment Prospects


Civil litigation is the most popular practice area for lawyers, and there are opportunities in many specialties or in general civil litigation. Jobs are available throughout the country. Most civil litigation attorneys work in private practice, but others work for corporations and public-interest organizations.

Starting Out

Many new lawyers are recruited by law firms or other employers directly from law school. Recruiters come to the school and interview possible hires. Job leads are also available from local and state bar associations, legal job sites, and college career services offices, and via contacts students make through internships or volunteer opportunities.

New hires typically start out as associates. At first they do mainly research and routine work, but as they gain experience and skill, they receive more demanding assignments.

Advancement Prospects

Civil litigation lawyers advance by earning higher pay, by working at more prestigious employers or on higher profile cases, by becoming partners in their firms (which provides them with a share of the firm’s profits), or by starting their own firms. Lawyers with litigation experience can easily transfer to other law specialties. Some attorneys become judges or law professors. Others enter politics.

Tips for Entry

Read publications such as Student Lawyer ( and Litigation News ( to learn more about the field.

Use the NALP Directory of Legal Employers ( to search for employers by location, employer type, practice areas, and other criteria.

Visit for job listings.

Attend industry events held by the American Bar Association and other law associations to network and to interview for jobs.

Join professional associations to access training and networking resources, industry publications, and employment opportunities.