Court Reporters

Court reporters record every word at hearings, trials, depositions, and other legal proceedings by using a stenotype machine to take shorthand notes. Most court reporters transcribe the notes of the proceedings by using computer-aided transcription systems that print out regular, legible copies of the proceedings. The court reporter must also edit and proofread the final transcript and create the official transcript of the trial or other legal proceeding. Approximately 17,500 court reporters work in the United States.
Quick Facts
Median Salary
Employment Prospects
Minimum Education Level
Personality Traits
Earnings vary according to the skill, speed, and experience of the court reporter, as well as geographic location. Those who are employed by large court systems generally earn more than their counterparts in smaller communities. The median annual income for all court reporters was $63,940 in May 2023, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Court reporters who worked for local government age...
Work Environment
Under normal conditions, a court reporter can expect to work a standard 40 hours per week. During lengthy trials or other complicated proceedings, court reporters often work much longer hours. They must be on hand before and after the court is in session and must wait while a jury is deliberating. A court reporter often must be willing to work irregular hours, including some evenings. Court rep...
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) predicts that employment of court reporters will grow by 2 percent through 2033, slower than the average for all careers. Budget cuts have reduced the number of positions with federal and state court systems, although employment at the local level is expected to remain steady. Despite these cuts, there will still be a need for court reporters. The increasing n...