Curriculum Coordinators


Employment Prospects


Curriculum coordinators are employed by public and private schools, nonprofit education groups, and federal, local, and state government agencies. According to the Department of Labor, about 36 percent work in local elementary and secondary schools, 17 percent work in state and private colleges, universities, and private schools; and the remainder for government and educational support service organizations. There are employment opportunities throughout the U.S., with many jobs located in large metropolitan areas.

Starting Out

Curriculum coordinators have prior experience in teaching or school administration, so this is not an entry-level position. Many learn about job opportunities through the Web sites of the schools and education groups that interest them. Some get started in their careers as assistants to instructional coordinators or curriculum coordinators. Curriculum coordinators also find helpful resources through professional associations. Membership to professional associations offers networking opportunities and access to employment postings and referrals. Join a professional association to keep up with industry developments and meet others in the field. The ASCD, for example, offers student memberships and access to job listings,

Advancement Prospects

Curriculum coordinators with years of successful work experience may advance to become district-level curriculum coordinators. Those who work in a small school or small school district may move up by take jobs in larger schools and districts with larger budgets. They may also advance by starting their own consulting firms for educational curricula. Other ways to expand include through teaching in colleges and by pursuing advanced degrees in specialized education fields.

Tips for Entry

Join a professional association such as the ASCD,, and the American Council for Career and Technical Education,, to learn more about the curriculum coordinator profession and network with others in the field.

Ask your teachers how they come up with their curricula and what is involved in that process. Ask them if they know of a curriculum coordinator who would be interested in speaking with you about their work, and if its possible to job shadow for a day.

Learn more about curriculum coordinators job duties by reading employment postings on these Web sites:
