Digital Marketing Workers
Education and Training Requirements
High School
If you are considering a career as a digital marketing and advertising worker, you should pursue a general high school curriculum that is college preparatory. Make sure you enroll in advertising, business, computer science, and marketing courses. You should also take courses that develop your analytical and problem-solving skills such as mathematics (including algebra and geometry), psychology, sociology, and sciences (including chemistry and physics). Take English courses to develop the research and communication skills you’ll need for this profession.
Postsecondary Education
While a college degree may not be necessary to gain entry into this field, you will find it easier to get the best jobs and advance if you have one. Some people enter the field with computer- or e-commerce-related degrees; others have traditional liberal arts, advertising, business, or marketing backgrounds that include studies in computer and information science. No matter what your major, take plenty of computer classes, participate in at least one internship, and spend a lot of time on the Web.
Other Education or Training
The American Association of Advertising Agencies offers the Institute of Advanced Advertising Studies, 12- to 14-week courses that teach advertising professionals about topics such as positioning and branding, team building, the media landscape, creative brief writing and creative development, and presentation skills. The association also offers executive workshops, professional development seminars, and webinars that cover topics such as account management, presentation skills, strategic planning, new technologies, and other critical skills.
The eMarketing Association offers ecourses on emarketing, social marketing, advanced search marketing, and other topics.
The Internet Marketing Association, Marketing Research Association, Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization, Word of Mouth Marketing Association, and the International Internet Marketing Association also offer webinars, workshops, and other continuing education opportunities. Contact these organizations for more information.
Certification, Licensing, and Special Requirements
Certification or Licensing
The Internet Marketing Association offers the certified Internet marketer designation to applicants who pass an examination that tests their knowledge about the field. The eMarketing Association offers the certified eMarketer designation to members who have at least three years’ experience in marketing and pass an examination. It also offers the certified eMarketing associate designation to students and practitioners who demonstrate their mastery of marketing by passing an exam. Other certification credentials provided by the association include certified mobile marketer and certified social marketing associate. The Marketing Research Association (professional researcher) and the American Marketing Association (professional certified marketer) offer certification for marketing research analysts.
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
Many digital marketing workers gain experience through an internship in a digital marketing agency while in school.
Digital marketing workers are lifelong learners. To be successful in this field, they must keep up on new technology, social and digital media, software, and hardware, as well as new marketing techniques. Strong communication skills, including good listening skills, are essential. Depending on the job, strong analytical and research skills are also important. Digital marketing workers deal with many different people in various lines of work, so it's helpful to have a flexible attitude and good interpersonal skills. Self-motivated people who have the ability to work alone as well as with groups do best in this profession. It's also important to have the patience and perseverance to see projects through.