Environmental Engineers
Exploring this Job
A good way to explore becoming an environmental engineer is to talk to someone in the field. Contact your local EPA office, check the Internet for environmental consulting firms in your area, or ask a local industrial company if you can visit. The latter is not as far-fetched as you might think: Big industry has learned the value of earning positive community relations, and their outreach efforts may include having an open house for their neighbors in which one can walk through their plants, ask questions, and get a feel for what goes on there.
You cannot work as an environmental engineer without having a bachelors degree. However, you can put yourself in situations in which youre around environmental engineers to see what they do and how they work. To do so, you may volunteer for the local chapter of a nonprofit environmental organization, do an internship with an environmental organization, or work first as an environmental technician, a job that requires less education (such as a two-year associates degree or even a high school diploma).
Another good way to get exposure to environmental engineering is to familiarize yourself with professional journals. Journals that may be available in your library include Chemical & Engineering News (http://cen.acs.org), which regularly features articles on waste management systems, and Environmental Engineer & Scientist (https://www.aaees.org/environmentalengineerandscientist).
You should also check out the American Society for Engineering Education’s precollege Web site, https://sites.asee.org/precollege, for general information about careers in engineering, as well as answers to frequently asked questions about engineering.
The Job
There is a small pond in Crawford County, Illinois, which provides the habitat and primary food source for several different species of fish, frogs, turtles, insects, and birds, as well as small mammals. About a half-mile away is the Jack J. Ryan and Sons Manufacturing Company. For years, this plant has safely treated its wastewater—produced during the manufacturing process—and discharged it into the pond. Then one day, without warning, hundreds of dead fish wash up on the banks of the pond. Whats going on? What should be done? It is the job of environmental engineers to investigate and design a system to make the water safe for the flora and fauna that depend on it for survival.
Environmental engineers who work for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or state EPAs act as police officers or detectives. They investigate problems stemming from systems that arent functioning properly. They have knowledge about wastewater treatment systems and have the authority to enforce environmental regulations.
The Crawford County pond is in the jurisdiction of the Champaign regional office of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). There are three bureaus: air, land, and water. An environmental engineer in the water bureau would be alerted to the fish kill at the pond and head out to the site to investigate. The engineer takes photographs and samples of the water and makes notes to document the problem. He or she considers the possibilities: Is it a discharge problem from Jack J. Ryan and Sons? If so, was there an upset in the process? A spill? A flood? Could a storage tank be leaking? Or is the problem further upstream? The pond is connected to other waterways, so could some other discharger be responsible for killing the fish?
The environmental engineer visits Jack J. Ryan and Sons to talk to the production manager and ask if the plant has been doing anything differently lately. The investigation might include a tour of the plant or an examination of its plans. It might also include questioning other manufacturers further upstream, to see if they are doing something new thats caused the fish kill.
Once the problem has been identified, the environmental engineer and the plant officials can work together on the solution. For example, the production manager at Jack J. Ryan and Sons reports that theyve changed something in the manufacturing process to produce a new kind of die-cast part. They didnt know they were doing something wrong. The EPA engineer informs the company theyll be fined $10,000, and a follow-up investigation will be conducted to make sure it has complied with regulations.
Jack J. Ryan and Sons may have its own environmental engineer on staff. This engineers job is to help keep the company compliant with federal and state regulations while balancing the economic concerns of the company. At one time, industries environmental affairs positions were often filled by employees who also had other positions in the plant. Since the late 1980s, however, these positions are held by environmental experts, including scientists, engineers, lawyers, and communications professionals.
In the Crawford County pond scenario, a Ryan and Sons environmental expert might get a call from an engineer at the IEPA: "There seems to be a fish kill at the pond near your plant. Weve determined its probably from a discharge from your plant." The Ryan and Sons expert looks at the plants plans, talks to the production manager, and figures out a plan of action to bring the company into compliance.
Some companies rely on environmental engineering consulting firms instead of keeping an engineer on staff. Consulting firms usually provide teams that visit the plant, assess the problem, and design a system to get the plant back into compliance. Consulting firms not only know the technical aspects of waste control, but also have expertise in dealing with the government—filling out the required government forms, for example.
Broadly speaking, environmental engineers may focus on one of three areas: air, land, or water. Those who are concerned with air work on air pollution control, air quality management, and other specialties involved in systems to treat emissions. The private sector tends to have the majority of these jobs. Environmental engineers focused on land include landfill professionals, for whom environmental engineering and public health are key areas. Engineers focused on water work on activities similar to those described above.
A big area for environmental engineers is hazardous waste management. Expertise in designing systems and processes to reduce, recycle, and treat hazardous waste streams is very much in demand. This area tends to be the most technical of all the environmental fields and so demands more professionals with graduate and technical degrees.
Environmental engineers spend a lot of time on paperwork—including writing reports and memos and filling out forms. They also might climb a smokestack, wade in a creek, or go toe-to-toe with a district attorney in a battle over a compliance matter. If they work on company staffs, they may face frustration over not knowing what is going on in their own plants. If they work for the government, they might struggle with bureaucracy. If they work for a consultant, they may have to juggle the needs of the client (including the need to keep costs down) with the demands of the government.