Epigenetics Researchers


Employment Prospects


Epigenetic researchers are employed by federal government agencies that conduct genetic research (including the National Institutes of Health’s National Human Genome Research Institute and Office of Biotechnology Activities, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the National Science Foundation), biotechnology firms, private research centers, and colleges and universities.

Starting Out

New graduates often obtain their first jobs via contacts made during fellowships, internships, or other experiential learning opportunities. Other job-search options include attending career fairs, networking, creating a LinkedIn profile and using the site’s employment resources, working with a recruiter, and visiting the career Web sites of potential employers. Those who are interested in careers in academe should contact colleges and universities directly and view open positions in professional journals and in the Chronicle of Higher Education (https://jobs.chronicle.com). Opportunities with the federal government can be accessed by visiting http://www.usajobs.gov.

Advancement Prospects

Epigenetics researchers advance by receiving higher salaries, working on more prestigious research projects, or becoming managers or executives. Those who are employed as college teachers start out as adjuncts or assistant professors and may be promoted to associate professor and then to full professor.

Tips for Entry

Read Epigenomes and the International Journal of Molecular Sciences to learn more about the field. Visit https://epigeneticssocietyint.com/journals for information on both journals.

Visit https://jobs.sciencecareers.org/jobs/epigenetics, https://jobboard.genetics-gsa.org, and https://careers.acmg.net for job listings.

Join professional associations to access training and networking resources, industry publications, and employment opportunities.