Federal and State Officials
Exploring this Job
If you are 16 or older, you can gain experience in a legislature. The U.S. Senate, and possibly your state legislature, offer opportunities for young adults who have demonstrated a commitment to government study to work as pages. For the U.S. Senate, pages run messages across Capitol Hill and have the opportunity to see senators and representatives debating and discussing bills. Contact your states senator for an application.
You can also explore government careers by becoming involved with local elections. Many candidates for local and state offices welcome young people to assist with campaigns. You might be asked to make calls, post signs, or hand out information about the candidate. Not only will you get to see the politician at work, but you will also meet others with an interest in government.
Another great way to learn about government is to become involved in an issue of interest to you. Participate with a grassroots advocacy group or read about the bills up for vote in the state legislature and U.S. Congress. When you feel strongly about an issue and are well educated on the subject, contact the offices of state legislators and members of Congress to express your views. Visit the Web sites of the House and Senate and of your state legislature to read about bills, schedules, and the legislators. The National Conference of State Legislatures also hosts a Web site (http://www.ncsl.org) that features legislative news and links to state legislatures.
Attend summer camps that allow you to learn more about government and careers in the field. One such opportunity is the nine-day Political Action & Public Policy Program that is offered by National Student Leadership Conference (https://www.nslcleaders.org).
Participate in information interviews and job-shadowing experiences with federal and state officials to learn more about the field. Ask your school counselor and government or social studies teacher for help setting up these experiences.
The Job
Think about the last time you cast a vote, whether in a school, local, state, or federal election. How did you make your decision? Was it based on the personal qualities of the candidate? The political positions of the candidate? Certain issues of importance to you? Or do you always vote for the same political party? As voters, we choose carefully when electing a government official, taking many different things into consideration. Whether youre electing a new governor and lieutenant governor for the state, a president and vice president for the country, or senators and representatives for the state legislature or the U.S. Congress, youre choosing people to act on behalf of your interests. The decisions of state and federal lawmakers affect your daily life and your future. State and federal officials pass laws concerning the arts, education, taxes, employment, health care, and other areas, in efforts to change and improve communities and standards of living.
Besides the president and vice president of the United States, the executive branch of the national government consists of the presidents Cabinet, including, among others, the secretaries of state, treasury, defense, interior, agriculture, homeland security, and health and human services. These officials are appointed by the president and approved by the Senate. The members of the Office of Management and Budget, the Council of Economic Advisers, and the National Security Council are also executive officers of the national government.
Nearly every states governing body resembles that of the federal government. Just as the U.S. Congress is composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives, so does each state (with one exception, Nebraska) have a senate and a house. The executive branch of the U.S. government is headed by the president and vice president, while the states elect governors and lieutenant governors. The governor is the chief executive officer of a state. In all states, a large government administration handles a variety of functions related to agriculture, highway and motor vehicle supervision, public safety and corrections, regulation of intrastate business and industry, and some aspects of education, public health, and welfare. The governors job is to manage this administration. Some states also have a lieutenant governor, who serves as the presiding officer of the states senate. Other elected officials commonly include a secretary of state, state treasurer, state auditor, attorney general, and superintendent of public instruction.
State senators and state representatives are the legislators elected to represent the districts and regions of cities and counties within the state. The number of members of a states legislature varies from state to state. In the U.S. Congress, there are 100 senators (as established by the Constitution—two senators from each state) and 435 representatives. The number of representatives each state is allowed to send to the U.S. Congress varies based on the states population as determined by the national census. Based on results from Census 2010, California is the most populous state and sends the most representatives (52). On the other hand, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Alaska, Vermont, and Delaware each only have one representative. The primary function of all legislators, on both the state and national levels, is to make laws. With a staff of aides, senators and representatives attempt to learn as much as they can about the bills being considered. They research legislation, prepare reports, meet with constituents and interest groups, speak to the press, and discuss and debate legislation on the floor of the House or Senate. Legislators also may be involved in selecting other members of the government, supervising the government administration, appropriating funds, impeaching executive and judicial officials, and determining election procedures, among other activities. A state legislator may be involved in examining such situations as the states relationship to Native American tribes, the level of school violence, and welfare reform.