Fuel Cell Technology Workers


Employment Prospects


In 2023, approximately 19,604 people were employed in the U.S. hydrogen/fuel cell vehicle industry, according to the U.S. Energy and Employment Report 2024 from the U.S. Department of Energy. Employers of fuel cell technology workers include automotive manufacturers with hydrogen vehicle programs, companies that manufacture fuel cells and related technology, merchant hydrogen producers, colleges and universities that conduct fuel cell and hydrogen research, and government agencies that conduct research in the field (most significantly, the U.S. Department of Energy and its National Laboratories, and the National Renewable Energy Laboratorys National Fuel Cell Technology Evaluation Center.

The U.S. Department of Energy reports that given the early stages of development, opportunities in fuel cell technology are "limited to a relatively small number of companies, research institutions, and similar entities. Most of these jobs require engineering and science backgrounds related to product and technology development." Visit the Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Energy Associations Web site (https://www.fchea.org/members) for a list of member companies that develop, manufacture, or utilize fuel cells. Research these companies to find out which are the most innovative leaders in the industry.

In 2024, Zippia indicated that California, Washington, Oregon, Arizona, and Utah were the top states for employment in the fuel-cell engineering field.

Starting Out

Fuel cell technology workers can find jobs through their college’s career service offices, through contacts made via internships and other educational opportunities, and by applying to private companies and government agencies that develop and/or manufacture fuel cell technology.

Advancement Prospects

As fuel cell engineers gain more experience, they are given greater responsibilities and tougher problems to solve. At this stage, the engineer will be involved in more decision making and independent work. Some engineers advance to become engineering team managers or supervisors of entire projects. They also may enter administrative or sales positions. In addition, many high-level corporate and government executives started out as engineers.

Advancement for engineers depends on their level of experience and education. The more experience engineers get, the more independence and responsibilities they will probably gain; however, an engineer with a bachelor’s degree will, in all probability, not make it to the highest levels of the field. Engineers who are interested in going into corporate, industrial, or executive positions often go back to school to earn degrees in law or business. Those who want to teach at the college level earn doctorates.

As fuel cell technicians remain with a company, they become more valuable to the employer. Opportunities for advancement are available for technicians who are willing to accept greater responsibilities, either by specializing in a specific field, by taking on more technically complex assignments, or by assuming supervisory duties. Some technicians advance by moving into technical sales or customer relations. Others pursue advanced education to become fuel cell engineers.

Tips for Entry

Keep up with news and developments in the fuel cell industry by reading news releases from the Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Energy Association at https://fchea.org/media-center/press-releases.

Use social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and X (formerly Twitter) to stay up to date on industry developments and learn about job openings.

Visit the SAE International Web site, https://www.sae.org, to explore education and training opportunities available, such as online courses and webinars that will help develop your skills.

Visit the following Web sites for job listings:

  • https://www.indeed.com/q-Fuel-Cell-jobs.html
  • https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/fuel-cell-engineer-jobs
  • https://www.energy.gov/eere/education/clean-energy-jobs-and-planning

Attend fuel cell and hydrogen energy conferences to network and to interview for jobs.