Hazardous Waste Management Specialists
For information on hazardous waste management training and two-year degree programs, contact
101 West Third Street, 2nd Floor
Davenport, IA 52801-1419
Tel: (866) 419-6761
Tel: (563) 441-4082
Fax: (563) 441-4080
For information on careers and competitions for high school students, contact
436 Seventh Avenue, Suite 2100
Pittsburgh, PA 15219-1826
Tel: (412) 232-3444
Email: info@awma.org
The following is a national grassroots organization founded by Lois Marie Gibbs and other Love Canal activists that offers publications on environmental health and community organization.
PO Box 6806
Falls Church, VA 22040-6806
Tel: (703) 237-2249
Email: info@chej.org
Find information about workshops, conferences, and membership by visiting
7501 Greenway Center Drive, Suite 760
Greenbelt, MD 20770-3580
Tel: (202) 289-4550
Fax: (202) 289-4074
Email: info@dgac.org
For information on certification, contact
9210 Corporate Boulevard, Suite 470
Rockville, MD 20850-6224
Tel: (301) 984-8969
Fax: (301) 984-1516
Email: info@ihmm.org
The following association provides certification for hazardous waste specialists.
720 South Colorado Boulevard, Suite 1000-N
Denver, CO 80246-1926
Tel: (303) 756-9090
Fax: (303) 691-9490
Email: staff@neha.org
This agency of the U.S. Department of Labor provides information about safety and health in the workplace.
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210-0001
Tel: (800) 321-6742
The following is a branch of the military that employs engineering professionals in hazardous waste management projects such as Superfund remediation sites.
441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20314-1000
Tel: (202) 761-0011
For information on hazardous waste remediation, contact
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20460-0001
Tel: (202) 564-4700