Hedge Fund Administrators


For information on certification and continuing education, contact

167 Fleet Street, 2nd Floor
London, EC4A 2EA
Email: info@aima.org


For information on scholarships, membership, careers, and certification, contact

1345 Avenue of the Americas, 27th Floor
New York, NY 10105-0302
Tel: (888) 777-7077
Fax: (800) 362-5066
Email: service@aicpa.org


For information on careers and certification, contact

Email: vision@cimaglobal.com


For information on certification, careers, continuing education, and its online professional network, contact

1035 Greenwood Boulevard, Suite 401
Lake Mary, FL 32746-5412
Tel: (407) 937-1111
Fax: (407) 937-1101
Email: CustomerRelations@theiia.org


For information on careers, certification, and continuing education, contact

10 Paragon Drive, Suite 1
Montvale, NJ 07645-1760
Tel: (800) 638-4427
Tel: (201) 573-9000
Fax: (201) 474-1600

For information on the alternative investment industry (which includes hedge funds, funds of hedge funds, managed futures funds, and other non-traditional asset classes), contact

600 14th Street, NW, Suite 900
Washington, DC 20005-2002
Tel: (202) 730-2600
Email: info@managedfunds.org
