Hedge Fund Analysts

Hedge fund analysts conduct detailed research on stocks, bonds, and other securities; commodities; currencies; and hard assets (particularly real estate). Hedge fund firms use this research to make investment decisions that translate (ideally) into large profits for the firm and strong returns for investors. Approximately 347,400 financial and investment analysts are employed in the United States; only a small number work for hedge funds.
Quick Facts
Median Salary
Employment Prospects
Minimum Education Level
Personality Traits
Hedge fund analysts earned average salaries of $92,165 in 2024, according to GlassDoor.com. Earnings ranged from $69,000 to $123,000 or more.
The U.S. Department of Labor reports that financial and investment analysts earned median annual salaries of $99,010 in May 2023. Earnings ranged from less than $60,830 to $175,840 or more.
Hedge fund analysts usually receive a generous bene...
Work Environment
The workplace culture at hedge funds varies by the firm’s owner. Some have a relaxed, but professional, atmosphere, in which analysts can wear business-casual attire. Analysts at other firms may be required to dress and act more conservatively. This job can be stressful at times because tens of millions of dollars are at stake as a result of their recommendations.
A majority of hedge fun...
Job opportunities for financial and investment analysts who work for securities, commodities, and other financial investment and related firms are expected to grow by nearly 18 percent from 2023 to 2033, according to the U.S. Department of Labor, or much faster than the average for all careers. While the overall employment outlook in the alternative investment industry is good, there is strong ...