Internet Developers
Employment Prospects
Everyone is getting online these days, from the Fortune 500 companies to the smallest of mom and-pop shops. The smaller companies might have one person in charge of everything Web related: the server, the site, the security, and so on. Larger companies employ a department of many workers, each one taking on specific responsibilities.
Most companies hire outside companies or consulting firms to create and maintain their Web sites, so these companies are the leading employer in the industry. Some firms specialize in Web development or Web site management; other firms offer services relating to all aspects of Web site design, creation, management, and maintenance. Very large companies may have their own Web developers and departments, so jobs can also be found there.
The Internet is worldwide; thus, Internet jobs are available worldwide. Wherever there is a business connected to the Internet, people with the right skills can find Web-related jobs.
Starting Out
If you are looking for a job as an Internet developer, remember that experience is key. College courses are important, but if you graduate and have lots of book knowledge and no experience, youre going to get a slow start. If at all possible, seek out internships while in school or even volunteer opportunities.
Use the Internet to find a job. Visit the following Web sites for job listings:,, and While youre online, check out ACM Career News (, which provides links to articles about information technology careers. Many professional associations also provide information on career trends and advice on the job-search at their Web sites.
Advancement Prospects
The next step up the career ladder for Internet developers might be a move to a larger company where the Web site presence consists of more pages, or multiple Web sites. Some Web sites have hundreds and even thousands of pages!
Large companies need supervisors and managers in their Web development departments, which is another potential advancement opportunity. Also, very creative and successful developers may eventually want to start their own companies.
Tips for Entry
Develop excellent communication skills. In many Web development jobs, you will meet with clients frequently to ensure you understand their needs and can meet them. You must be able to communicate confidently with people at all managerial levels of a company.
Volunteer frequently to help organizations such as a club, church, etc. develop their Web sites, and cite this experience on your resume.
Have experienced professionals evaluate your work and provide you with feedback so you can learn and grow your skills.
Understand the difference between being a graphic designer and a Web designer. As a Web designer, you are creating an interactive, digital experience that is very different from graphic design. Be able to communicate this understanding to prospective employers.
Read publications such as Website Magazine ( to learn more about trends in the industry.