Internet Marketing and Advertising Consultants
Employment Prospects
Many Internet marketing and advertising consultants work independently, running their own consulting businesses. Others are salaried employees of traditional management consulting firms that have Internet marketing/advertising consulting divisions or departments or companies that specialize in Internet marketing. And still others may work for traditional brick-and-mortar companies that have a strong presence on the Internet.
Independent consultants have the added responsibility of marketing their services and always looking for new projects. Consultants at a firm are typically assigned to work on certain projects.
Clients that hire marketing and advertising consultants include small businesses, large corporations, and government institutions. Consultants work all across the country (and world), but large cities may offer more job opportunities. Some consultants specialize in working with a certain type of business such as department stores or computer companies.
Starting Out
Most consultants enter the field by working for an established consulting firm. This way they can gain experience and develop a portfolio and a list of references before venturing out on their own as an independent consultant or moving to a different firm in a higher position. The Internet is a good resource to use to find employment. Many sites post job openings. Local employment agencies and newspapers and trade magazines also list job opportunities. In addition, your college's career services office should be able to help you. Professional organizations also offer job postings.
Networking is a key element to becoming a successful consultant and requires getting in touch with previous business and social associates as well as making new contacts. Networking can be done at industry and association events.
Because so many companies are expanding their markets using the Internet or globalizing their companies the same way, the demand for Internet marketing professionals continues to grow.
Advancement Prospects
Internet marketing and advertising consultants have several avenues for advancement. As they become known as experts in their field, the demand for their services will increase. This demand can support an increase in fees. They can also specialize in a certain segment of the industry, which can increase their client base and fees. Those working for large corporations and consulting firms may move into management or partner positions. Consultants who want to work independently can advance by starting their own businesses. Eventually they may be able to hire consultants to work under them. Because of the continuous developments within the information technology industry, advancement possibilities for consultants who continually upgrade their knowledge and skills are practically endless.
Tips for Entry
Design and create your own Web site or volunteer to assist with marketing and advertising for a popular Web site or blog.
Network, network, network. Today the word has a very different meaning than it did in past years. You don't have to physically attend every meeting or function where prospective clients gather; expand your network through the use of social media sites such as LinkedIn. Online networking is more efficient and effective for the Internet marketing professional.
Take classes to become familiar with computer languages and software, such as CSS, Adobe Illustrator, and HTML.