Library and Information Science Instructors


Education and Training Requirements

High School

Your high school's college preparatory program likely includes courses in English, science, foreign language, history, math, and government. In addition, you should take courses in speech to get a sense of what it will be like to lecture to a group of students. Your school's debate team can also help you develop public speaking skills, along with research skills.

Postsecondary Training

At least one advanced degree library and information science is required to be a library science professor in a college or university. The master's degree is considered the minimum standard, and graduate work beyond the master's is usually desirable. If you hope to advance in academic rank above instructor, most institutions require a doctorate. 

In the last year of your undergraduate program, you will apply to library and information science graduate programs. Standards for admission to library and information science graduate programs can be high and the competition heavy, depending on the school. Once accepted into a program, your responsibilities will be similar to those of your library science instructors—in addition to attending seminars, you'll research, prepare articles for publication, and teach some undergraduate courses.

You may find employment in a junior college with only a master's degree. Advancement in responsibility and in salary, however, is more likely to come if you have earned a doctorate.

Other Education or Training

The American Library Association, Association for Library and Information Science Education, and other library science organizations offer continuing education opportunities via conference seminars, webinars, and workshops. Contact these organizations for more information.

Certification, Licensing, and Special Requirements

Certification or Licensing

There is no certification or licensing available for library and information science instructors.

Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits

Several years of experience as a librarian and a doctorate in library science are required for most library and information science educator positions.

You should enjoy reading, writing, and researching. Not only will you spend many years studying in school but your whole career will be based on communicating your thoughts and ideas. People skills are important because you'll be dealing directly with students, administrators, and other faculty members on a daily basis. You should feel comfortable in a role of authority and possess self-confidence.