Mortuary Cosmetologists


Mortuary Cosmetologists


A mortuary cosmetologist is a licensed cosmetologist who performs a variety of cosmetic services to prepare a deceased person for funeral services. Sometimes called desairologists, mortuary cosmetologists are trained to use products to style or alter the hair, face, and nails to prepare a deceased person for viewing and/or burial. In doing so, mortuary cosmetologists may provide comfort to grieving family and friends by making their deceased loved one appear as they wish them to be remembered. Mortuary cosmetologists are pr...

Quick Facts


Median Salary



Employment Prospects



Minimum Education Level

High School Diploma



Experience as a general cosmetologist required





Personality Traits



The nature of the field of mortuary cosmetology, and indeed the field of cosmetology in general, is that earnings grow only as clientele increases. In any aspect of cosmetology, that means low earnings and hard work in the beginning. As cosmetologists develop client loyalty, their earnings will rise. In the mortuary cosmetologist's case, proving the value of one's services to a funeral home or ...

Work Environment

Cosmetic procedures are generally done in a well-ventilated, sterile preparation room. Mortuary cosmetologists generally are not left alone with the deceased; a member of the funeral home staff will generally greet the cosmetologist and be present throughout the services if the cosmetologist desires. Mortuary cosmetologists are not expected to perform cosmetic procedures to a body on a table; r...


The U.S. Department of Labor predicts that employment of cosmetologists will grow by 8 percent, faster than the average for all careers, through 2028. The employment outlook for funeral workers in general is also good, according to the DOL. A growing number of aging people are prearranging their funeral services. Also, an increase in the number of expected deaths among the aging baby boomer pop...