Plastics Technicians

Plastics technicians are skilled professionals who help engineers, scientists, research groups, and manufacturers design, develop, manufacture, and market plastics products. Plastics technicians may work in research and development or manufacturing. In these settings, they function at a level between the engineer or scientist in charge of a job, and the production or laboratory workers who carry out most of the tasks. Other plastics technicians handle mold and tool making, materials and machinery, sales and services, and related tec...
Quick Facts
Median Salary
Employment Prospects
Minimum Education Level
Personality Traits
Plastics technicians earned about $42,370 per year in November 2020, according to The Department of Labor reported that median industrial engineering technician salaries were $56,550 in May 2019, with the lowest 10 percent earning $35,850 and the top 10 percent earned $87,790 or more.
Benefits for plastics technicians usually include paid vacations and sick days, retire...
Work Environment
Working conditions that technicians encounter vary greatly. Research or test laboratories are clean, quiet, air-conditioned, and well lighted. Normal business hours are usually observed, although some overtime may be necessary. Some companies operate more than one shift. No more than normal physical strength is required for most of the work in this profession. High safety standards are uniforml...
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) predicts that employment for industrial engineering technicians who work in plastics product manufacturing will grow slower than the average through 2029. Overall growth in manufacturing is expected to be slow. The coronavirus pandemic in 2020 has also impacted the plastics industry as well as many other industries in the U.S. and around the world. Most openin...