Solar Energy Sales Representatives


Employment Prospects


Solar sales representatives and assessors work for dealers and manufacturers of solar energy systems and equipment. They may sell components such as solar panels or other products to solar retailers and installation companies, and they sell customized solar energy systems to residential and commercial customers. Manufacturers of solar power components and equipment are located throughout the United States. Large plants are located in California, Colorado, Georgia, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin. There are nearly 250,000 people employed in the U.S. solar energy industry. 

Starting Out

Many solar sales representatives and assessors find entry-level jobs through on-campus recruitment and job fairs. They also get their start by participating in an internship or taking a part-time job in a solar energy company while in school. Ask your schools career services office for help with finding internship and job listings. Professional associations also offer helpful resources for career development. For example, the Solar Energy Industries Association offers a company membership directory at Review the list of solar energy companies and read the descriptions to learn more about potential employers. Visit the companies Web sites and search their career sections for current job postings.

Advancement Prospects

Solar sales representatives and assessors advance to more senior-level roles as they increase their sales accounts and continue to maintain and grow their customer base. They may cover more sales territories and become regional sales managers and eventually national sales directors. They also advance by getting certification and advanced degrees, participating in professional associations, teaching, and writing about the solar energy sales profession. Some leave full-time positions to start their own consulting businesses.

Tips for Entry

Get a part-time job at a company that sells solar energy systems. Look for job listings on, as well as on Web sites such as Glassdoor, Indeed, LinkedIn, and SimplyHired, among many others.

Stay informed about solar energy news and developments, and the key products and companies in the industry, by reading publications such as Solar Today ( and Solar Industry Magazine (

Meet others working in the solar energy field and learn about current issues and trends by attending solar energy conferences, such as the American Solar Energy Society’s annual Solar Conference.

Join professional associations such as the American Solar Energy Society and the Solar Energy Industries Association to access training and networking resources, industry publications, and employment opportunities.