Travel Agents


Exploring this Job

Any type of part-time experience with a travel agency is helpful in pursuing this career. A small agency may welcome help during peak travel seasons or when an agent is away from the office. If your high school or college arranges career conferences, you may be able to invite a speaker from the travel industry. Visits to local travel agents will also provide useful information.

Also consider joining the Future Travel Professionals Club, organized by the American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA). Membership offers networking opportunities with professional members of the ASTA, chapter meetings, eligibility for scholarships, and newsletters.

The Job

The travel agent may work as a salesperson, travel consultant, tour organizer, travel guide, bookkeeper, or small business executive. If the agent operates a one-person office, they usually perform all of these functions. Other travel agents work in offices with dozens of employees, which allows them to specialize in certain areas. In such offices, one staff member may become an authority on sea cruises, another may work on trips to the Far East, and a third may develop an extensive knowledge of either low-budget or luxury trips. In some cases, travel agents are employed by national or international firms and can draw on extensive resources.

As salespeople, travel agents must be able to motivate people to take advantage of their services. Travel agents study their customers interests, learn where they have traveled, appraise their financial resources and available time, and present a selection of travel options. Customers are then able to choose how and where they want to travel with a minimum of effort.

Travel agents consult a variety of print and Internet-based sources for information on air transportation departure and arrival times, airfares, and hotel ratings and accommodations. They often base their recommendations on their own travel experiences or those of colleagues or clients. Travel agents may visit hotels, resorts, and restaurants to rate their comfort, cleanliness, and quality of food and service.

As travel consultants, agents give their clients suggestions regarding travel plans and itineraries, information on transportation alternatives, and advice on the available accommodations and rates of hotels and motels. They also explain and help with passport and visa regulations, foreign currency and exchange, climate and wardrobe, health requirements, customs regulations, baggage and accident insurance, travelers checks or letters of credit, car rentals, tourist attractions, and welcome or tour services.

Many travel agents only sell tours that are developed by other organizations. The most skilled agents, however, often organize tours on a wholesale basis. This involves developing an itinerary; contracting a knowledgeable person to lead the tour; making tentative reservations for transportation, hotels, and side trips; publicizing the tour through descriptive brochures, advertisements, and other travel agents; scheduling reservations; and handling last-minute problems. Sometimes tours are arranged at the specific request of a group or to meet a clients particular needs.

In addition to other duties, travel agents may serve as tour guides, leading trips ranging from one week to six months to locations around the world. Agents often find tour leadership a useful way to gain personal travel experience. It also gives them the chance to become thoroughly acquainted with the people in the tour group, who may then use the agent to arrange future trips or recommend the agent to friends and relatives. Tour leaders are usually reimbursed for all their expenses or receive complimentary transportation and lodging. Most travel agents, however, arrange for someone to cover for them at work during their absence, which may make tour leadership prohibitive for self-employed agents.

Agents serve as bookkeepers to handle the complex pattern of transportation and hotel reservations that each trip entails. They work directly with airline, steamship, railroad, bus, and car rental companies. They make direct contact with hotels and sightseeing organizations or work indirectly through a receptive operator in the city involved. These arrangements require a great deal of accuracy because mistakes could result in a client being left stranded in a foreign or remote area. After reservations are made, agents write up or obtain tickets, write out itineraries, and send out bills for the reservations involved. They also send out confirmations to airlines, hotels, and other companies.

Travel agents must promote their services. They present PowerPoint presentations or videos to social and special interest groups, arrange advertising displays, and suggest company-sponsored trips to business managers. They often have a Web site that promotes their services. Many also use social media such as Facebook and Twitter to stay in touch with past and prospective clients.