Tutors and Trainers


Exploring this Job

One way to begin exploring this field now is to talk to someone who is a tutor or trainer. Ask the following questions: What are your primary and secondary job duties? What are the typical work hours? What do you like most and least about your job? How did you train for this field? What advice would you give to young people who are interested in this career? Also get involved in speech or drama clubs. Any experiences that you can get doing presentations or performing in front of a group will help you prepare for the field. Finally, volunteer to work as a tutor at your school or for a local community organization, or mentor a younger child at your school. This will give you a chance to learn about these careers while helping someone improve their academic and life skills. 

The Job

Tutors work in various capacities. Many elementary schools, high schools, and for-profit schools employ tutors to help in the instruction of their students. Tutors encourage the understanding of standard school subjects such as reading and math, assist with questions regarding homework, and work to improve a students level of literacy. More importantly, tutors help students develop good learning habits. Many tutors associated with schools are paid employees; most have college degrees applicable to the subjects they tutor, such as a degree in education, mathematics, or English.

Tutors may also find positions with community organizations, such as the YMCA, which has locations throughout the United States, or local special interest groups. Since many of these operations are nonprofit, tutors either volunteer or are paid a small hourly wage.

Colleges and universities also hire tutors to help students. For example, some schools may hire tutors to work with student athletes to help them gain a better understanding of their courses, and become more organized and independent learners. Academic success is important for all students, but more so with student athletes, since grades determine their athletic eligibility.

Mentors are specialized tutors who go beyond educational help and serve as advisers and role models for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds or others who may be new to a career or field of study.

Trainers work for educational centers, schools, and advocacy groups. They provide orientation, instruction, and scheduling for tutors, mentors, and other volunteers. Trainers prepare prospective tutors by teaching the basic concepts of tutoring, such as setting goals, lesson planning, communication skills, and positive reinforcement. They may also suggest different techniques based on the personality or age level of the student. For example, they may recommend that the tutor incorporate study with playtime for young children, and the use of multimedia technology with adults.