Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators and Technicians
Education and Training Requirements
High School
A high school diploma or its equivalent is required for a job as a wastewater treatment plant operator or technician, and additional specialized technical training is generally preferred for both positions. A desirable background for this work includes high school courses in chemistry, biology, mathematics, and computers; welding or electrical training may be helpful as well. Other characteristics that employers look for include mechanical aptitude and the ability to perform mathematical computations easily. You should be able to work basic algebra and statistics problems. Future technicians may be required to prepare reports containing statistics and other scientific documentation. Communications, statistics, and algebra are useful for this career path. Such courses enable the technician to prepare graphs, tables, sketches, and diagrams to illustrate surveys for the operators and engineers they support.
Postsecondary Training
As treatment plants become more technologically complex, workers who have previous training in the field are increasingly at an advantage. Employers generally prefer to hire candidates with specialized education in wastewater technology available in two-year programs that lead to an associates degree and one-year programs that lead to a certificate. Such programs, which are offered at some community and junior colleges and vocational-technical institutes, provide a good general knowledge of water pollution control and will prepare you to become an operator or technician. Beginners must still learn the details of operations at the plant where they work, but their specialized training increases their chances for better positions and later promotions.
Many operators and technicians acquire the skills they need during a period of long-term on-the-job training. Newly hired workers often begin as attendants or operators-in-training. Working under the supervision of experienced operators, they pick up knowledge and skills by observing other workers and by doing routine tasks such as recording meter readings, collecting samples, and general cleaning and plant maintenance. In larger plants, trainees may study supplementary written material provided at the plant, or they may attend classes in which they learn plant operations.
Other Education or Training
Wastewater treatment plant operators and technicians often have various opportunities to continue learning about their field. Most state water pollution control agencies offer training courses for people employed in the field. Subjects covered by these training courses include principles of treatment processes and process control, odors and their control, safety, chlorination, sedimentation, biological oxidation, sludge treatment and disposal, and flow measurements. Correspondence courses on related subject areas also are available. Some employers help pay tuition for workers who take related college-level courses in science or engineering.
Professional associations also provide continuing education opportunities. The American Water Works Association offers seminars at its annual conference and other association events, as well as webinars. Recent webinars included “Biological Drinking Water Treatment: Busting the Myths,” “Tools for Water Loss Control: The Next Generation,” and “High Technology Tools for Operators.” The Water Environment Federation and the National Rural Water Association also provide continuing education classes and webinars.
Certification, Licensing, and Special Requirements
Certification or Licensing
Workers who control operations at wastewater treatment plants must be certified by the state in which they are employed. To obtain certification, operators must pass an examination given by the state. There is no nationwide standard, so different states administer different tests. Many states issue several classes of certification, depending on the size of the plant the worker is qualified to control. While some states may recognize certification from other states, operators who relocate may have to re-certify in the new state.
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
Experience as an intern or part-time employee at a wastewater treatment plant is recommended.
Operators and technicians must be familiar with the provisions of the federal Clean Water Act and various state and local regulations that apply to their work. Whenever they become responsible for more complex processes and equipment, they must become acquainted with a wider scope of guidelines and regulations. In larger cities and towns especially, job applicants may have to take a civil service exam or other tests that assess their aptitudes and abilities.