Wealth Management Accountants


Employment Prospects


Accountants and auditors work for wealth management firms, banks, robo-advisory firms, and independent wealth managers. They also are employed by public accounting firms (such as Deloitte, Ernst & Young, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and KPMG) that provide accounting services to WM companies. Outside the WM industry, many accountants and auditors work for businesses of all sizes, at nonprofits, and for government agencies such as the U.S. Government Accountability Office and the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Starting Out

A good way to break into the field is to participate in an internship at a wealth management firm or a bank that has a WM department. Participating in internships allows you to try out different jobs, build your network, and have the opportunity to impress the internship director and your managers with your work-ethic and enthusiasm for a career in wealth management. Your college’s career services office has information on internships. The Career Tools section of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Web site (https://www.thiswaytocpa.com/career-tools/articles) provides details on job-search strategies, writing effective resumes and cover letters, and preparing for job interviews.

Visit the Web sites of wealth management employers to learn about job opportunities. At many sites, you can apply for jobs. Some new accounting graduates hire recruiters to assist them in the job search. 

Advancement Prospects

Skilled accountants and auditors with several years of experience can advance to the position of chief accountant or auditor, or become controllers, who prepare financial reports and oversee the accounting and audit departments of their organizations. Experienced accounting and auditing professionals can become chief financial officers, who are responsible for the accuracy of their employer’s financial reporting and focus on issues such as compliance, budgeting, and financial strategy. Some become CEOs or chief operating officers at corporations, or partners. 

Tips for Entry

Read Start Here Magazine (https://www.startheregoplaces.com/students/games-tools/start-here-magazine) for tips on becoming an accountant.

Visit the following Web sites for job listings and career advice:

  • https://www.pionline.com/careers
  • http://www.accountingjobstoday.com
  • https://www.efinancialcareers.com
  • https://www.accountingcrossing.com
  • https://www.pionline.com/careers

Check out Inside Information (https://www.aicpa.org/interestareas/personalfinancialplanning/newsandpublications/insideinformation.html), a cutting-edge, forward-thinking content on planning and practice management topics.

Use LinkedIn to network and search for jobs. Consider joining groups such as Accounting and Finance Professionals, Accounting & Audit, and Asset/Wealth Management Careers.