Perkins Coie cultivates collegiality through a holistic hiring process, social retreats, resource groups, wellness programs, and more. Whether they hope to make partner or move in-house, associates here are in a good position. Providing legal services to some of the world’s most innovative companies, Perkins Coie lawyers take pride in performing substantive, meaningful work. Although its history is rooted in aerospace and transportation, Perkins Coie has stretched its services across its domestic and international offices.
Firm Stats
Total No. Attorneys (2024)
No. of Partners Named (2024)
Featured Rankings
No. of 1st Year Associates Hired (2024)
No. of Summer Associates (2024)
Base Salary
Vault Verdict
Unique in its Pacific Northwest roots, Perkins Coie offers many desirable benefits for associates. All hiring, whether for candidates from T14, non-T14, or local schools, is competitive, with attention paid to academics, journal work, and clerkship experience. Office settings are professional and collaborative, with just the right amount of socializing. Partners respect and value associates and seem to be truly invested in their development, a benefit that is somewhat mitigated by concerns with management’s lack of transparency and communication. Mentoring is effectively performed through regular contact and support, and according to associates, this hands-on learning is more valuable than any formal firm training. More structure and resources should be committed for onboarding la...
Firm's Response
What sets Perkins Coie apart from our peer firms?
Perkins Coie has been listed on Fortune’s “100 Best Companies to Work For”® for 22 consecutive years. Our culture of collaboration, respect, and appreciation for everyone’s contributions make our firm a special place to work. More evidence is our retention of lawyers ...
About the Firm
Although its largest office is still in Seattle, Perkins Coie has expanded to include 17 domestic offices—4 of which are in California—and 4 international offices. Perkins Coie likes to say that it provides “counsel to great companies,” and a look at its client list confirms that this is true. Firm clients include household names such as Microsoft, Meta, Starbucks, Amazon, and Google.
From Birth to Boeing
Perkins Coie got off to a good start. Founded in 1912, the firm’s earliest clients included William E. Boeing, Sr., founder of the eponymous aeronautics company. The relationship with Boeing contributed to Perkins Coie’s reputation for representing high-tech and cutting-edge ventures in Seattle, which has become one of the nation’s technology hotspots. Today, the firm has more t...
Associate Reviews
- “We work very hard to foster a collaborative, ‘one firm’ environment that extends across practices and offices. There are regular firm-sponsored events, including optional lunches multiple days a week, and informal gatherings are common. Day to day, we work hard like any large law firm, but we don’t lose sight of each other’s needs in the grind. It’s a supportive environment where everyone can be their best and succeed while helping those beside them achieve their goals.”
- “The firm is very collegial and non-hierarchical. Partners respect associates, making it a place where people want to work. Similarly, there is a high level of respect for the staff by lawyers.”
- “Excellent collegiality and kindness among attorneys. Associates get along well and periodically socialize through work-sponsored events. The day-to-day atmosphere is upbeat and positive.”
- “Socially, everyone is very polite and open. A lot of the socializing is firm-sponsored, but when it's organic socialization, it's even more fun. The day-to-day atmosphere is pleasant. There are always open doors or people very willing to speak with you.”
Why Work Here
Innovative Clients. Collaborative Team. Inclusive Culture.
Providing exceptional service to innovators across the country and around the world requires commitment. This commitment starts with attracting, hiring, developing, and retaining the very best employees. At Perkins Coie, we know that talent and collaboration are key to our success, and we strive to develop a workplace that reflects our communities, developing and fostering a culture that honors diversity, respect, service, creativity, and growth.
Culture & Inclusion at Perkins Coie LLP
Getting Hired Here
- “The hiring process is fairly competitive, and incentives are provided for recruiting lateral attorneys. All of the identified factors are taken into consideration. Not aware of particular feeder schools. I have not been provided interview-related training, although we are given specific criteria on which to evaluate candidates.”
- “The firm definitely seeks top talent, and a good school, grades, and clerkships are all factors that affect employment.”
- “Our hiring process is competitive and generally based on strength of schools for target schools, and then GPA and class rank. Our firm does have training for interviewers and attempts to standardize that process.”
- “Our office looks especially at local schools or people with a local connection. I think the firm has been burned too many times by people at big name schools who fancy a laid-back summer in our city and then ultimately take a job at a top firm in NY. Otherwise, we look for high academic credentials, diversity, an engaging and positive demeanor, and culture fit.”