Vault Guide to Finance Interviews, 9th Edition

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by Laurence Shatkin, D. Bhatawedekhar, Dan Jacobson, Hussam Hamadeh, and William Jarvis

Publication Date:  2015

The Vault Guide to Finance Interviews, Ninth Edition is a must-have resource for anyone seeking a job with an investment bank, mutual fund, hedge fund, commercial bank, or other financial institution. Competition is fierce for positions in finance, and employers are looking for prospective hires with more than a solid resume and basic skills. The interview process reflects the high-pressure environment of the financial workplace and tests not only if an applicant will fit into the company environment but also if he or she can apply key financial skills and practices to concrete problems.

This guide provides advice on preparing for interviews as well as in-depth sample questions and practice cases to help readers hone their understanding of key financial concepts. Corporate valuation, equities, bonds and interest rates, and mergers and acquisitions are only some of the areas covered here in detail and presented in sample interview questions and cases with easy-to-follow charts and frameworks. Acing technical and quantitative questions can make all the difference in whether or not you receive a job offer. This unique guide also includes advice on questions you should ask and can help you prepare for the even toughest finance interview.