The 2023 Vault Law Firm Diversity Survey: Key Findings on Diversity Initiatives

Published:  Sep 26, 2023

 Diversity       Law       Workplace Issues       
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The results of Vault’s annual Law Firm Diversity Survey have arrived, and new this year is a division in reporting between midsize and large firm summary statistics. This division reflects the different realities for these two categories of firms, including different budgets, hiring practices, and organizational structures. Out of 194 participating firms, 77% are large firms—150 or more U.S.-based attorneys—and 23% are midsize firms—more than 10 but less than 150 U.S.-based attorneys. Below, we share the high-level takeaways of firm-reported diversity initiatives from the general report.

Diversity Staffing, Budget, Committees & Groups

Large Firms: 97% of surveyed firms have a head of diversity; this individual reports directly to the Head of Firm or Executive Committee at 74% of firms. 99% of firms have a diversity committee, with a median size of 17 people. 97% of firms have a formal DEI budget, and 99% have affinity groups. 55% of firms allow billable credit for DEI work; most firms cap this at 50 hours per year, and 11% of large firms have a minimum hours “floor” attorneys must reach before receiving credit for DEI-related hours.

Midsize Firms: 57% of surveyed firms have a head of diversity; this individual reports directly to the Head of Firm or Executive Committee at 91% of firms. 90% of firms have a diversity committee, with a median size of 8 people. 63% of firms have a formal DEI budget, and 48% have affinity groups. 33% of firms allow billable credit for DEI work; as with large firms, most firms cap this at 50 hours per year, though no midsize firms reported a minimum hours “floor” attorneys must reach before receiving credit for DEI-related hours.

Mansfield Rule & Recruiting

Large Firms: Mansfield Rule was launched in 2017 for large firms. 72% of surveyed firms have achieved Mansfield Rule Certified and/or Certified Plus status, and 11% are currently participating in the certification process. 92% of large firms participate in diversity job fairs, 92% recruit from law schools attached to HBCUs, and 90% support scholarships, internships, or fellowships for diverse law students.

Midsize Firms: Mansfield Rule was launched in 2020 for midsize firms. 24% of midsize firms have achieved Mansfield Rule Certified and/or Certified Plus status, and 12% are currently participating in the certification process. 44% of midsize firms participate in diversity job fairs, 42% recruit from law schools attached to HBCUs, and 49% support scholarships, internships, or fellowships for diverse law students. Note that some midsize firms do not hire entry-level attorneys and therefore do not participate in campus recruiting of any kind.

Family Benefits & Working Parents

Large Firms: 85% of large firms allow attorneys to prorate billable requirements or bonus targets if they take parental leave, and 89% assist with transitioning to or returning from leave. Almost all participating large firms offer gender-neutral adoption leave, 85% provide family planning resources, and 80% offer childcare resources like on-site or backup childcare.

Midsize Firms: 76% of midsize firms allow attorneys to prorate billable requirements or bonus targets if they take parental leave, and 63% assist with transitioning to or returning from leave. Almost all participating midsize firms offer gender-neutral adoption leave, 23% provide family planning resources, and 8% offer childcare resources like on-site or backup childcare.

Same-Sex & Gender Diversity Benefits

Large Firms: 92% of large firms provide equity in benefits for same-sex couples, and 8% provide this “in part”—the most common explanation for “in part” being that this benefit is provided to same-sex spouses but not domestic partners. 97% of large firms offer health insurance with equitable benefits for transgender employees/dependents, and 67% provide gender-neutral restrooms. 93% of firms offer opportunities to share preferred pronouns, and 74% use gender-neutral language in firm materials.

Midsize Firms: 83% of midsize firms provide equity in benefits for same-sex couples, and 15% provide this “in part”—as with large firms, “in part” generally indicates that this benefit is provided to same-sex spouses but not domestic partners. 70% of midsize firms offer health insurance with equitable benefits for transgender employees/dependents, and 30% provide gender-neutral restrooms. 83% of firms offer opportunities to share preferred pronouns, and 50% use gender-neutral language in firm materials.

Accessibility for Individuals with Disabilities

Large Firms: 99% of surveyed firms include disability status as a protected category in a non-discrimination policy, and 98% have a clear and well-communicated process for requesting workplace accommodation. 89% of firms have addressed accessibility in physical spaces.

Midsize Firms: 93% of surveyed firms include disability status as a protected category in a non-discrimination policy, and 83% have a clear and well-communicated process for requesting workplace accommodation. 77% of firms have addressed accessibility in physical spaces.

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Find the full report here. For more information on navigating your career as a diverse attorney, join the Vault Law team and legal professionals for our upcoming virtual fair, Diversity in Law: Informational Career Readiness Summit.



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