
BNY Mellon is one of the world’s top asset management and banking firms. It was founded by first U.S. Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton and one of the first banks to use computing technology. BNY's inclusive culture champions diverse viewpoints, backgrounds, and experiences. The firm has specific goals prioritizing D&I in recruitment, retention, and advancement. BNY career paths include technology, AI, investment management, and risk management.
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About the Company
The Bank of New York Mellon, commonly known as BNY Mellon, began its journey over 230 years ago, with the United States’ first Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton leading the way. Originally established by Hamilton as the Bank of New York, Hamilton’s innovative vision still lives on at BNY Mellon today. The bank still strives to be the most trustworthy bank in the industry.
Before officially becoming the Bank of New York Mellon, the Bank of New York and T. Mellon & Sons’ Bank operated independently from one another. BNY Mellon came into its final form in the 21st century. After centuries of operating as competitors, the Bank of New York Company and Mellon Financial Corporation merged in 2007. Today, BNY Mellon impacts 80 percent of the Fortune 500, 90 percent of global central bank reserves, 75 central banks, and 6...