Coaching and Sports Training

Coaching and Sports Training


Coaches and sports trainers guide people to help them achieve specific sports performance goals. Sports coaches and sports trainers work closely with athletes in elementary schools, high schools, colleges and universities, and with professional sports teams. Coaches teach the basic skills required in individual or team sports for amateur or professional athletes. They may work full time during the day and coach part time, such as for Little League or soccer teams. Coaches create and manage practice sessions and drills, evaluating players and helping them to improve their skills, techniques, form, and stamina. They motivate and encourage individuals and teams to improve their performance. Their job also entails handling administrative tasks such as taking notes and keeping records on players and their performance. The Department of Labor reported that there were 290,100 coaches and scouts employed in the United States in May 2018.

The sports coaching industry is an $8 billion business, according to the market research group IBISWorld. From 2014 to 2019 this industry, composed of nearly 146,000 businesses, experienced growth of nearly 3 percent. The sports coaching field is expected to continue performing well in the years to come due to increased participation in sports for health benefits as well as to offset the high cost of college tuition through sports scholarships. Sports camps and academies are growing as parents seek sports coaches and programs to help their children stay active and improve their likelihood of receiving sports scholarships.

Fitness trainers work with people of all ages in health clubs, gyms, fitness or recreation centers, and in yoga and Pilates studios. They lead group classes, instructing students and demonstrating exercises. They also evaluate individuals for their strength and conditioning, and create exercise programs to help people improve their fitness levels. They teach strength training, stretching, and cardiovascula...