

Employment Prospects


Bodyguards can find work with private security firms and government agencies. They are also employed by politicians, music stars, actors, and other individuals in the public eye who need personal protection.

Starting Out

Many people begin a career as a bodyguard on a part-time basis; for example, police officers often take on assignments while off-duty from police work. The reason that most of them start on a part-time basis is that the police training they receive is ideal preparation for work as a bodyguard. In addition to the excellent training a police officer receives, the officer is often in a good spot to receive job offers. Someone looking for a bodyguard may call the local police station and ask if there are officers willing to take on an assignment. As a person acquires greater experience as a bodyguard and more and more people know of the person's skills and availability, additional work becomes available. That person may then work full time as a bodyguard or continue on a part-time basis.

Military service may also provide the background and skills for entry into this field. Many bodyguards enter this career after service in one of the military Special Forces, such as the Green Berets or the Navy SEALs, or after experience in the military police. Other bodyguards enter this field through a career with private security companies and often begin training while employed as security guards. Careers with the Secret Service, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, or other government police and intelligence agencies may also provide the necessary background for a career as a bodyguard. In fact, a successful history with one of these respected agencies is among the most attractive factors for potential employers.

Advancement Prospects

Those who enter the field as part-time bodyguards may soon find full-time work. As bodyguards develop their skills and reputation, they may be hired by private security firms or government agencies. They may be given additional training in intelligence operations, surveillance techniques, and the use of sophisticated firearms.

Some bodyguards find opportunities as personal protection and security consultants. These consultants work for private companies, evaluating personal security operations and recommending changes. They may begin their own security services companies or advance to supervisory and director's positions within an existing company.

Tips for Entry

Join ASIS International to access training resources, industry publications, and employment opportunities. Additionally, members can join a young professionals and/or women in security networking group.

Read Security Management ( to learn more about the field.

Talk with bodyguards about their careers. Ask them for advice on preparing for and entering the field.