Customer Service Representatives
Employment Prospects
Customer service representatives hold approximately 3 million jobs and are employed in nearly every industry. Because all businesses rely on customers, customer service is generally a high priority for those businesses. Some companies, like call centers, may employ a large number of customer service representatives to serve a multitude of clients, while small businesses may simply have one or two people who are responsible for customer service.
Starting Out
You can become a customer service representative as an entry-level applicant, although some customer service representatives have first served in other areas of a company. This company experience may provide them with more knowledge and experience to answer customer questions. A college degree is not required, but any postsecondary training will increase your ability to find a job in customer service.
Ads for customer service job openings are readily available in newspapers and on Internet job search sites. You can also search for job openings by going directly to companies Web sites. With some experience and a positive attitude, it is possible to move into the position of customer service representative from another job within the company.
Advancement Prospects
Customer service experience is valuable in any business career path. It is also possible to advance to management or marketing jobs after working as a customer service representative. Businesses and their customers are inseparable, so most business professionals are experts at customer relations.
Tips for Entry
Join your schools business club to learn more about how businesses are run.
Volunteer at a local charity. This will give you firsthand experience in working with others and help you determine if customer service is the right field for you.
Learn more about the customer service industry by reading the industry-related articles and newsletters that are posted on association Web sites such as the Association of Support Professionals.