Deputy U.S. Marshals


Employment Prospects


The U.S. Marshals Service is the sole employer of the 3,547 (in 2019) deputy U.S. marshals.

Starting Out

The Marshals Service accepts only candidates who have fulfilled the necessary physical, educational, and experiential requirements listed above. Those interested in pursuing the field should contact the Marshals Service to find out when and where the written examination will take place.

Candidates with postsecondary education, particularly undergraduate and graduate degrees in fields related to law, law enforcement, criminology, or political science, will have the strongest chance of joining the U.S. Marshals Service. Knowledge of foreign languages and specialized skills, including computer and electronics skills, are also in high demand by the U.S. Marshals office.

Visit to learn more about the application process and eligibility requirements.

Advancement Prospects

Advancement is made on the basis of merit and experience. Within a district office, the top position is that of U.S. marshal. Appointed by the president of the United States, U.S. marshals must be confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Directly under the U.S. Marshal is the chief deputy U.S. Marshal, who oversees the districts staff of supervisors, the deputy U.S. marshals, and the support staff. Each district also employs specialists in witness security, court security, and seized property.

Tips for Entry

Contact the U.S. Marshals Service or visit its Web site ( for more information about a career as a deputy U.S. marshal.

While in high school pursue a general course of study that includes courses in government, one or more foreign languages, criminal justice, English, history, and computer science.

Volunteer with a community counseling or action program. Visit the Volunteers of America Web site ( to search for opportunities in your community.

Take a course and become certified in the safe handling of firearms and other weapons.

Physical strength and agility are important in this career. Take physical education classes at school and participate in youth sports programs through your local park district.