Flight Attendants
Exploring this Job
Opportunities for experience in this occupation are almost nonexistent until you have completed flight attendant training school. You may explore this occupation by talking with flight attendants. Suggested interview questions include: What made you want to enter this career? What do you like most and least about your job? How did you train for this field? What are some key skills for success? What advice would you give to young people about preparing for the field and being successful on the job?
Airline companies and private training schools offer information about the work of flight attendants at their Web sites. You can also read blogs and listen to podcasts about aviation and work as a flight attendant. Visit https://aviation.feedspot.com/cabin_crew_blogs for a list of flight attendant blogs.
Any part-time or full-time job in customer service, such as food service, hospitality, or retail sales, would offer a good introduction to the kind of work flight attendants do. You might also try volunteering for jobs that require people skills, such as diplomacy, listening, helping, and explaining.
The Job
Flight attendants perform a variety of preflight and in-flight duties. About one hour before takeoff, they attend a briefing session with the rest of the flight crew; carefully check flight supplies, emergency life jackets, oxygen masks, and other passenger safety equipment; and see that the passenger cabins are neat, orderly, and furnished with pillows and blankets. They also check the planes galley to see that food and beverages are on board and that the galley is secure for takeoff.
Attendants welcome the passengers on the flight and, if requested, direct them to their cabin section for seating. They show the passengers where to store briefcases and other small pieces of luggage, and help them put their coats and carry-on luggage in overhead compartments. They often give special attention to elderly or passengers with disabilities and those traveling with small children.
Before takeoff, a flight attendant speaks to the passengers as a group, usually over a loudspeaker. He or she welcomes the passengers and gives the names of the crew and flight attendants, as well as weather, and safety information. As required by federal law, flight attendants demonstrate the use of lifesaving equipment and safety procedures and check to make sure all passenger seatbelts are fastened before takeoff.
Upon takeoff and landing and during any rough weather, flight attendants routinely check to make sure passengers are wearing their safety belts properly and have their seats in an upright position. They may distribute reading materials to passengers and answer any questions regarding flight schedules, weather, or the geographic terrain over which the plane is passing. Sometimes they call attention to points of interest that can be seen from the plane. They observe passengers during the flight to ensure their personal comfort and assist anyone who becomes airsick or nervous.
During some flights, attendants serve prepared breakfasts, lunches, dinners, or between-meal refreshments. They are responsible for certain clerical duties, such as filling out passenger reports. They keep the passenger cabins neat and comfortable during flights. Attendants serving on international flights may provide customs and airport information and sometimes translate flight information or passenger instructions into a foreign language. Most flight attendants work for commercial airlines. A small number, however, work on private airplanes owned and operated by corporations or private companies.