Greeting Card Designers and Writers


Education and Training Requirements

High School

Hone your writing and artistic skills in high school by taking English and art classes. Since many designers use computers to create their designs, computer science courses also will be helpful.

Postsecondary Training

College education is not necessary for freelancing as an artist and writer, though card companies looking to hire you for a full-time staff position may require a background in English, creative writing, graphic or digital design, or commercial arts. Even if you only want to freelance, community college courses that offer instruction in the use of computer design programs can help you to create professional-looking images for submission to companies.

Certification, Licensing, and Special Requirements

Certification or Licensing

No certification is available for greeting card writers or designers. However, if you decide to print your own cards and sell them to stores and representatives, you may be required by your state to maintain a business license.

Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits

Any experience you can obtain writing and design greeting cards, books, or other products will be useful.

Greeting card writers and designers should be patient, persistent, and capable of accepting rejection. They should also be highly creative and have a good sense of humor. The industry is very competitive, and writers and designers must create work that catches the attention of their employer and, ultimately, customers. Freelance writers and designers must be self-motivated and be committed to working extremely hard to meet deadlines and attract new clients.