Hedge Fund Compliance Professionals


This organization has a goal of increasing the number of women in the finance and alternative investment industries through mentoring, career development, and other programs.

888C 8th Avenue, #453
New York, NY 10019-8511

For information on certification and continuing education, contact

167 Fleet Street, 2nd Floor
London, EC4A 2EA
Email: info@aima.org


AWAI is a membership organization for women in the hedge fund, private equity, and venture capital industries.

Email: info@altinvesting.org


For information on the alternative investment industry (which includes hedge funds, funds of hedge funds, managed futures funds, and other non-traditional asset classes), contact

600 14th Street, NW, Suite 900
Washington, DC 20005-2002
Tel: (202) 730-2600
Email: info@managedfunds.org


For information on certification and continuing education, contact

Tel: (800) 306-6133

For information on membership and its Compliance and Legal Society, contact

120 Broadway, 35th Floor
New York, NY 10271-3599
Tel: (212) 313-1200

For information on membership, contact

6500 Barrie Road, Suite 250
Minneapolis, MN 55435-2358
Tel: (888) 277-4977
Tel: (952) 933-4977
Fax: (952) 988-0146
Email: HelpTeam@corporatecompliance.org
