Home Stagers
Employment Prospects
Home stagers often own their own businesses, offering their services to clients on a freelance basis. Others are employed by home stagers or work for real estate agencies that require home staging services.
Starting Out
The International Association of Home Staging Professionals and the Real Estate Staging Association offer membership to home stagers. Those who become members can market their skills at the organizations Web sites and take advantage of career development resources from the associations.
Advancement Prospects
The typical advancement path for home stagers consists of transitioning from working as an assistant to a home stager to working for a home staging or real estate firm to opening one’s own staging business. Business owners advance by increasing the number of clients they serve, building positive word-of-mouth in their community, and earning higher consulting fees.
Tips for Entry
Take advantage of social media sites such as LinkedIn and Bluesky to stay up to date on industry developments and learn about job openings.
Join the International Association of Home Staging Professionals and the Real Estate Staging Association to take advantage of training and marketing programs offered to its members.
Talk to a home stager about his or her career. Mention that you are interested in the field and ask him or her for some suggestions on breaking into the industry. The International Association of Home Staging Professionals offers a list of its members at https://www.iahsp.com/featured-members.
Seek out an internship or try to work as an assistant to a home stager.
Practice staging your family home as if it were being prepared for sale.