Image Consultants


Image Consultants


Image consultants usually work with people in business, helping them present themselves in a professional manner. They provide advice on appearance, behavior, communication skills, etiquette, and other topics to individuals or to all the employees of one company or organization, or a specific department. For example, a tech company may hire an image consultant to work with members of its sales department to create a more professional presentation with a goal of increasing sales.

Quick Facts


Median Salary



Employment Prospects



Minimum Education Level

Apprenticeship|Associates Degree



Participating in an apprenticeship or internship is highly recomm



Interpersonal|Public Speaking|Teaching


Personality Traits

Hands On|Helpful|Problem-Solving


An image consultants earnings are determined by the number of hours the consultant works, the type of clientele, and the consultants location. Some image consultants increase their incomes by offering additional personal care, sales, and communication services. The greater variety of services an image consultant can offer to a client will enhance his or her earning potential, and bilingual comm...

Work Environment

Image consultants often have home-based offices, but may frequently travel to corporate sites and training facilities to conduct consultations and provide training, as well as appear at industry events and on radio and television talk shows to discuss the importance of creating a positive personal image. They may work 40 to 50 hours a week and sometimes make evening presentations. Many consulta...


Job prospects for personal care and service workers (a broad category that includes everything from hairstylists, cosmetologists, and manicurists, to childcare workers, fitness trainers, and funeral service workers) are expected to grow much faster than average for all careers from 2018 to 2028, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. The job outlook for image consultants will not be as stro...