

Employment Prospects


There are 25,530 psychiatrists working in the United States. Approximately half of practicing psychiatrists work in private practice; many others combine private practice with work in a health care institution. These institutions include private hospitals, state mental hospitals, medical schools, community health centers, and government health agencies. Psychiatrists may also work at correctional facilities, for health maintenance organizations, or in nursing homes. They are employed throughout the country.

Starting Out

Psychiatrists in residency can find job leads in professional journals and through professional organizations such as the American Psychiatric Association. Many are offered permanent positions with the same institution where they complete their residency.

Advancement Prospects

Most psychiatrists advance in their careers by enlarging their knowledge and skills, clientele, and earnings. Those who work in hospitals, clinics, and mental health centers may become administrators. Those who teach or concentrate on research may become department heads.

Tips for Entry

To learn more about the field, read:

  • JAMA Psychiatry (
  • Psychiatric News (
  • American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry (

For job listings, visit:


Join the American Medical Association (AMA), American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry (AAGP), and other professional associations to access training and networking resources, industry publications, and employment opportunities.

The AMA and AAGP offers mentoring programs for students, residents, and fellows. These are excellent ways to make networking contacts and grow in your career.