Technology Ethicists

Technology ethicists, who may also be artificial intelligence ethicists, review and assess companies use of technologies to ensure they comply with ethical standards. They make sure that the technologies are used in ways that do not violate users security and privacy. The Department of Labor does not provide data on technology ethicists, but reports that in May 2020, there were 32,700 computer and information research scientists, a sector that may include technology ethicists, employed in the United States.
Quick Facts
Median Salary
Employment Prospects
Minimum Education Level
Personality Traits
The median salary for computer and information research scientists, which could include technology ethicists, was $126,830 in May 2020, The lowest paid 10 percent earned $72,210 or less and the highest paid 10 percent earned $194,430 or more per year. Those who worked for software publishers averaged $145,920 per year, while those who worked for the federal government, excluding the postal serv...
Work Environment
Technology ethicists work full time in corporate offices. Those who work as independent consultants work from home offices. They usually work 40 hours per week. Technology ethicists spend much of their workday researching and reviewing information and reading online and print documents. They work closely with other technology professionals as well as designers, data scientists, researchers, and...
The field of technology ethics is relatively new and still evolving. As more technology and artificial intelligence companies adopt codes of ethics and best practices, more opportunities will be created for technology ethicists. The Department of Labor forecasts much faster than average employment growth through 2029 for computer and information research scientists, an outlook that could also a...