The 2023 Vault Law Firm Diversity Survey: Key Findings on Demographics

Published:  Oct 11, 2023

 Diversity       Law       Workplace Issues       
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The results of Vault’s annual Law Firm Diversity Survey have arrived—find Part 1 of our summary here. As mentioned in Part 1, this year’s report includes a division in reporting between midsize and large firms, reflecting fundamental differences in these two categories of firms. Of the participating firms, 150 have 150+ U.S.-based attorneys, and 44 have 10-149 U.S.-based attorneys. Below are high-level takeaways of firm-reported demographics for participating firms from the general report.

Women Attorneys

At participating large firms, women make up 50% of associates, 40% of counsel, 33% of non-equity partners, and 24% of equity partners at participating firms. At participating midsize firms, the percentages are similar—women make up 52% of associates, 30% of counsel, 36% of non-equity partners, and 26% of equity partners.

Representation decreases for women of color, with those attorneys representing 17% of associates, 7% of counsel, 7% of non-equity partners, and 4% of equity partners at large firms. The percentages at midsize firms are slightly higher, with 19% of associates, 11% of counsel, 12% of non-equity partners, and 5% of equity partners being women of color.

Minority Attorneys

Minority attorneys make up 29% of associates at both large and midsize participating firms. For large firms, 14% of counsel, 16% of non-equity partners, and 11% of equity partners are minority attorneys. At midsize firms, minority attorneys constitute 11% of counsel, 12% of non-equity partners, and 12% of equity partners.

For African American/Black, Asian American, Hispanic/Latinx, and biracial and multiracial attorneys, representation declines significantly at the partner level in both large and midsize firms. Specific statistics for these demographics are available in the Diversity Report.

Openly LGBTQ+ Attorneys

Openly LGBTQ+ make up 6% of associates and less than 3% of lawyers who are counsel, non-equity partners, and equity partners at participating law large firms. Midsize firms report 5% of associates and just over 1% of equity partners are openly LGBTQ+.

Attorneys with Disabilities

At participating large firms, attorneys with disabilities make up 2% of associates and counsel, just under 3% of non-equity partners, and just over 1% of equity partners. For midsize firms, just over 1% of associates and approximately 0.5% of equity partners are individuals with disabilities.

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Find the full report here. For more information on navigating your career as a diverse attorney, join the Vault Law team and legal professionals for our upcoming virtual fair, Diversity in Law: Informational Career Readiness Summit.


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