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Simon-Kucher Europe

Willy-Brandt-Allee 13
Bonn 53113
+49 (0)228 9843 0



Pricing, sales & marketing experts Simon-Kucher maintain offices in roughly two dozen cities in Europe, the Middle East & Africa. It’s no wonder the firm crossed the 100-million-euro mark in the region more than a decade ago. A midsize yet truly international consultancy, the firm is recognized as a global pricing leader, and offers myriad opportunities for travel, growth and development, and client exposure for jobseekers looking to break into consulting.

Company Stats


Employer Type




1,001-5,000 Employees


Featured Rankings

Best Consulting Firms in EMEA for Pricing, Sales & Marketing...


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Employment Contact

Germany: Stephanie Pietzonka, Director Talent Acquisition Germany

Vault Verdict

Simon-Kucher’s recent run of growth seems to have extended throughout 2022, with the firm once again looking set to post around 20% gains over the previous year’s revenue. That’s an indication not just of an economy rebounding in the post-pandemic era, but of the value that the firm delivers to clients in its home market, where its top-line growth strategies are well-known and respected.

How the firm fares in 2023—particularly if predictions of an economic contraction come to pass—will be very interesting to watch; not least because of the firm’s commitment to helping clients find new market opportunities, rather than cutting their way to profitability.

On a day to day basis, insiders note that SKP is an open, equitable and welcoming firm, where...

About the Company

Simon-Kucher is a global consulting firm specializing in strategy, marketing, pricing, and sales. With about 2,000 employees and offices in 30 countries, their practice is built on evidence-based, practical strategies for profit improvement. The firm is regarded as the world's leading pricing advisor and thought leader, with 37 years of experience under its belt. In addition to pricing, Simon-Kucher works to streamline marketing and sales for clients, and assists them in developing corporate strategies. The company has conducted projects for clients in almost every country.

Unlike cost-cutting initiatives, Simon-Kucher’s work in growing clients’ revenue and profit has no natural limits. As long as consumers, technologies, and business environments keep changing, companies will need help with monetizing their products.


Employee Reviews

  • “A firm with a great culture and a kind and comprehensive management team that trusts the employees and give them autonomy and room for proactivity.”
  • “Excellent start into the consulting world. Very supportive, tons of opportunities to learn and develop valuable skills as well as on the job training. Lots of feedback.”
  • “Great team, great work, great outlook. If you are interested in driving a better, more sustainable type of growth in an environment of smart but nice colleagues, you have found the perfect match.”
  • “I think we are the only consulting firm to propose such data driven missions. We are perceived as experts by our clients and not as consultants, and we have strong impacts on their profit and revenues in the short/medium term. This approach gives us a lot of credibility and, even if it is still a niche, I guess we will get a lot of prestige with that approach.”
  • “SKP might not be as prestigious as other consulting firms, yet. However, it is a firm where you are happy to go to work. The atmosphere is highly collegial and solidary. This makes the whole world of difference. And because of that, people tend to be emotionally tied to it, stay longer and be more motivated. This is why the company is growing as fast as it does. I believe it is bound to grow even more in the years to come.”

Getting Hired Here

  • “Fit within our Simon Kucher culture is key during recruiting, this is the only reason why the firm is able to maintain its company culture over the years.”
  • “I did the interviews before the process changed. For me it was 5 interviews: 1 round with 3 interviews with managers/senior consultants and then one final round with 2 interviews with a director and a partner. After the first interview there was a 10-minute feedback call with HR and after the 2nd round the answer was given on the day after.”
  • “Perfect candidate would be someone with passion for consulting and great motivation to work at the firm. Of course, business capabilities and previous experience and knowledge are always considered but the personal fit is the main driver. Depending on the role, candidates have 3-4 interviews with business case (numerical and strategic) and personal fit interview.”
  • “Process can go quite fast and recruiters are efficient in calling back candidates (either to say yes or no), and are always giving constructive feedbacks. Ideal candidate is someone that has clear & relevant motivations for strategy consulting and especially for SKP with a great focus on growth topics. Someone curious that is willing to learn a lot & fast, in any growth-related topics and any industries (no specialization when joining as entry-level). With its entrepreneurial mindset, the firm is emphasizing a lot on understanding the candidate's personality to make sure it fits its values & culture (creative, easy and pleasant to work with, curious, positive attitude, going extra miles & above own scope of responsibilities...).”
  • “We discuss the candidate's interview performance immediately after the candidate leaves the building. I personally call back on the next day, so they don't have to wait anxiously for so long (hated it back in the day when you had to wait for a week to get called). I even know some colleagues call on the day itself, and it is appreciated by candidates.”

Perks & Benefits

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