Book Publishing

The publishing industry involves production and dissemination processes to make information, such as literature, music, software, and travel aids, available. A little more than a decade ago, the publishing industry was confined to printed works—traditional books, newspapers, and magazines. With the advent of digital information, the book industry now publishes in blog, e-book, Web site, and other electronic formats.
This industry employs a diverse workforce to assist in the many stages of publishing. Writers, researchers, and editors develop and refine copy; artists and graphic designers position text and images for readability on the page and on the screen; press and production operators produce physical documents; digital designers and developers prepare electronic publications; and sales and marketing forces disseminate and distribute the products.
Several recent trends have transformed book publishing. For example, the changing technology for e-readers has made these devices more affordable and accessible, resulting in increased e-book sales. In particular, student demand for textbooks, educational materials, and reference volumes is fueling the e-book movement. Other drivers are people getting back to reading, the interest in self-help books, and parents reading to their children. Mobile applications have also impacted the publishing industry, prompting traditional travel aid, greeting card, and music publishers to rethink their delivery models.
Other developments affecting the book industry are Internet sales, self-publishing efforts, and on-demand printing. The Internet has provided an alternative way of ordering books, which has deeply affected brick-and-mortar bookstores. Internet outlets, such as Amazon, have experienced phenomenal growth, many times at the expense—even demise, as in the case of the Borders Group—of traditional booksellers. Today, some authors are also taking on the role of publisher and self-publishing their own ...