Chief Robotics Officer
Chief robotics officers (CROs) are experienced robotics professionals with expertise in engineering, information technology, artificial intelligence (AI), and business management. They oversee all robotics-related operations at their employer and also focus on the interactions between robots and their human coworkers. CROs are also known as chief automation officers, directors of robotics, and systems automation officers.
Quick Facts
Median Salary
Employment Prospects
Minimum Education Level
Personality Traits
Directors of robotics earned salaries that ranged from $98,519 to $1,047,257 in 2023, according to, a Web site that allows users to post salary information and reviews of companies. They received average annual earnings of $225,344.
Chief robotics officers typically receive a generous benefits package, which can include any of the following: paid holidays, vacations, and s...
Work Environment
Work settings for chief robotics officers range from boardrooms and offices to factory floors and design studios. They are also employed at industrial-scale farms, transportation facilities, and any other place where robotics technology is being installed or improved. Travel to installation sites and the offices of clients is required, but the amount varies based on the employer. Chief robotics...
In 2022, there were 553,052 industrial robot installations in factories around the world, according to the World Robotics 2023 Report from the International Federation of Robotics. The number of industrial robot installations worldwide is expected to increase to 718,000 in 2026. The integration of robotics into manufacturing plants and other settings will accelerate in the next decade,...