Data Warehousing Specialists


Education and Training Requirements

High School

In high school, take as many computer science classes as possible—especially those in programming and database management. Other recommended courses include mathematics, statistics, science, history, social studies, English, and speech.

Postsecondary Education

Data warehousing specialists need a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in management information systems, database management, computer science, data science, or another computer-related field. Large companies may require applicants to have a master’s degree in one of these aforementioned fields.


Undergraduate and graduate certificates in data science, business intelligence, and related fields are available at colleges and universities. For example, Harvard University awards a certificate in data science. Classes in its program include Introduction to Data Science, A Practical Approach to Data Science, Data Systems, Big Data Systems, Database Systems, and Advanced Topics in Data Science. Georgetown University, Syracuse University, Indiana University at Bloomington, University of Louisville, and other colleges and universities offer similar programs.

Other Education or Training

Participating in continuing education (CE) classes is a great way to keep your skills up to date and learn about new developments in data warehousing and science; CE credits may also be required to renew one’s certification. Many professional associations (e.g., the Association for Computing Machinery, DAMA International, TDWI, and the IEEE Computer Society) provide CE classes, workshops, and webinars that will be useful to data warehousing specialists. For example, the Association for Computing Machinery offers online courses on topics such as Big Data, data warehousing, database design, SAS, SQL, business intelligence, data management, and data mining. For-profit and nonprofit schools (e.g., Global Knowledge Training LLC, Coursera, edX, and Udacity) and information technology companies (such as IBM) also offer CE opportunities.


Certification, Licensing, and Special Requirements

Certification or Licensing

Certification credentials are available from DAMA International (certified data management professional (at four skill levels), TDWI (certified business intelligence professional), and the Institute for Certification of Computing Professionals (certified Big Data professional, business data management professional, and certified data scientist). To earn certification, applicants must meet experience and educational requirements and pass an examination. Database developers, such as Oracle, SAS, and IBM, also provide certification. Contact these organizations to learn more.  

Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits

Data warehousing analysts must complete an internship, co-operative education experience, or summer job during college. Managers need at least five years of experience in a data warehousing environment, which includes work in a supervisory capacity.

Data warehousing specialists must have excellent analytical, project management, organizational, communication, and interpersonal skills; the ability to manage multiple tasks in a fast-paced environment, meet deadlines, and prioritize tasks; and a willingness to continue to learn throughout their careers. In addition, they must have a working knowledge of the following software programs (although requirements vary by employer):

  • data warehousing tools and database systems: especially Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and IBM DB2
  • database management system software: especially Apache Hadoop and Teradata Database, but also Apache Oozie and Talend Big Data Integration
  • development environment software: especially C, COBOL; Microsoft .NET Framework; and Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition VBScript 
  • metadata management software: especially ERwin Data Modeler and Talend Data Fabric, but also Oracle Warehouse Builder and SAS Data Integration Server
  • object- or component-oriented development software: especially C++; Objective C; and Python, but also Apache Spark
  • operating system software: especially Linux; Oracle Solaris; and Ubuntu, but also Apple Macintosh OS