Drone Manufacturing Workers
Exploring this Job
Learn more about drones by asking someone who owns one if they can show you how it works. Watch videos about drones to see how they operate and find out more about the types of jobs available in the drone field. You might also consider trying to build a basic drone by using web tutorials or receiving instruction from your shop teacher. If there is a manufacturing facility near you that has a drone manufacturing division, see if you can schedule a tour of the facility. Speaking with someone who works in drone manufacturing is another good way to find out about the day-to-day work life and if this type of work suits you. Ask your schools career service office for assistance in finding a drone manufacturing worker who is interested is discussing their career. Perhaps you could even job-shadow a drone manufacturing worker.
Take shop classes with a focus on computers, electronics, and machinery while youre in school. Visit the Web sites of drone manufacturing companies to keep up with news and developments in their products and services and to find job opportunities.
Join STEM student organizations, such as the Technology Student Association (https://tsaweb.org). The TSA offers a Drone Challenge competition for high school students who must "design, build, assemble, document, and test fly an open-source unmanned aerial vehicle according to the stated annual theme/problem specifications." Participants also must create and present a documentation portfolio (which includes a photographic log, wiring schematics, and a description of the programming software that was utilized to design and build the drone), as well as participate in an interview (semifinalists only).
The Job
Drone manufacturing workers are employed by manufacturers that produce the parts and computer systems for drones. For example, they may work at companies that manufacture the video-processing chips or the small, light-weight cameras that are part of consumer drones. Many companies that manufacture electronics and various technologies also have divisions that manufacture systems and components for drones.
Drone manufacturing workers perform a variety of jobs, with many of the production positions entailing reading blueprints and sketches for the drone designs and specifications. Assemblers or fabricators put together the finished drones and their parts, using hand tools and machinery. Quality control inspectors test drones to ensure they are functioning correctly and according to design specifications and industry regulations. Welders, cutters, solderers, and brazers use various equipment and machinery to join metal parts and fill seams in metal products. Machinists and tool and die makers use computer-aided machine tools to create precision metal parts, instruments, and tools.
Industrial production managers oversee the operations of manufacturing plants, including managing employees, production schedules and budgets, and machinery and materials. There are also buyers and purchasing managers, who are responsible for finding and buying quality materials for drone manufacturing; manufacturing sales representatives, who sell goods for manufacturers to businesses, government agencies, and other groups; and customer service representatives, who provide information about the drone manufacturing companys products and services and handle customers orders and billing.