Electromechanical Engineering Technologists


Education and Training Requirements

High School

Prepare for a career in electomechanical engineering by taking classes in mathematics (geometry, trigonometry, calculus, and statistics), physics, computer science (including computer-aided design), and mechanical drawing and shop. Strong communication skills are needed in this job for writing reports and collaborating with others, so be sure to take English and speech classes.

Postsecondary Education

Many employers prefer to hire electromechanical engineering technologists who have a bachelor's degree in mechanical, electrical, robotics, control, or computer engineering, although an associate's degree from a community college may be sufficient for some positions. Coursework focuses on classes in math, science, and computer science, as well as those in the liberal arts.

Other Education or Training

Electromechanical engineering is a cutting-edge field that is continually changing as engineers improve on systems and equipment and create new products. Technologists take classes and receive training throughout their careers to maintain their skills and knowledge. They attend workshops and conferences and take webinars through professional associations and schools. The American Society for Engineering Education, ASME, and the Institution of Engineering and Technology are just a few of the associations that offer educational programs for professionals in engineering-related fields.

Certification, Licensing, and Special Requirements

Certification or Licensing

The National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies offers many different certifications in electrical and mechanical systems engineering and civil engineering technologies. Technologists may also receive certification to enhance their computer skills through programs offered by the Institute for Certification of Computing Professionals and the IEEE Computer Society. The International Society of Automation offers the certified control systems technician credential to those who meet education and experience requirements.  Becoming certified shows that you have achieved the highest standards that have been established by your industry. It also can lead to higher pay and eligibility for better jobs.

Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits

One to two years of work experience at an engineering firm or manufacturing facility that specializes in developing electromechanical systems is usually required for electromechanical engineering technologist positions. Technologists receive training while on the job.

People who do best in this field are realistic, practical, and hands-on. They are knowledgeable about machines, computers, and electronics, and are good with their hands. They enjoy identifying and solving problems. They are also team players; the job involves working closely with engineers, technicians, and other technologists. Strong communication and interpersonal skills are a necessity in this work. Technologists thrive on working with data and ideas, but they are also respectful of authority and able to follow established procedures and routines. They are organized and have strong project management skills.

Essential technology skills include familiarity with analytical or scientific software such as Automation Studio and The MathWorks MATLAB; computer-aided design software such as Autodesk AutoCAD and National Instruments Multisim; development environment software such as National Instruments LabView; graphics or photo imaging software such as McNeel Rhino; and spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel.