Insurance Claims Representatives
Employment Prospects
Approximately 345,900 insurance claims adjusters, appraisers, examiners, and investigators are employed in the United States. Insurance companies are the principal employers of processing and claims clerks, adjusters, and appraisers. Others are employed by real estate firms and by the government.
Starting Out
A person interested in this field should contact the personnel departments of insurance companies directly, or visit company Web sites to learn about job openings. Positions can also be located on Internet job boards and at industry-related sites.
Advancement Prospects
Depending upon the individual, advancement prospects are good. As trainees demonstrate competence and advance in course work, they are assigned higher and more difficult claims. Promotions are possible to department supervisor in a field office or a managerial position in the home office. Sometimes claims workers transfer to underwriting and sales departments.
Tips for Entry
Find a part-time job that requires interaction with customers or the public; this will help you develop communication skills for an insurance claims position.
Visit the Web sites or the local offices of some large insurance companies to become familiar with their policies and offers. Interview a representative to learn more about the company and the insurance industry.
Research professional organizations, such as the Society of Registered Professional Adjusters, for membership opportunities and local events.
Visit the following Web sites for job listings: